Maintaining Climate Control

Auto air conditioning on dashboard

We all like to feel comfortable in our vehicles. Your climate control system is responsible for comfort and provides cooling and heating. How would you feel if the heat in your vehicle gave out in the middle of winter? Imagine for a moment that you are taking a long road trip over summer and your air conditioning fails. 

Your vehicle’s climate control system is made up of several smaller systems that work in unison. To keep it operating to its full capability, you need to have it maintained routinely by a professional mechanic

Benefits of Maintaining Your Climate Control System

When you schedule routine maintenance and pay attention to the warning signs, you may be able to prevent a broken system and safety concerns. If you notice your air condoning system producing more noise the usual, or the air inside your vehicle no longer seems fresh to you, it may be a warning sign of impending failure. Our highly trained, ASE Certified mechanics will check the condenser, evaporator, AC gas pressure, and more. 

When your climate control system is not functioning properly in winter, it can lead to serious safety concerns. You may not be able to keep ice off of your windshield. Defrosting and defogging are also a challenge. There are many issues that can affect proper heating. Perhaps antifreeze, which travels through the heater core, is leaking, the coolant may need replacing, or the radiator may need to be flushed. It may be that your fan is not working properly or even that the heater core needs repair, which involves taking apart your dash. 

When you have your climate control system maintained regularly, you may be able to prevent a hit to your wallet for costly repairs. 


(724) 776-2886

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